Sunday, May 03, 2009

7 Weeks

There are exactly seven weeks of school left. I think I'll make it, but it won't be fun. My plan for a 4.0 is destroyed, though. Next year, I'm getting my shit together. I'll get a 4.0 next year, as I can no longer afford not to if I am going to MIT. I'll get it. I swear.

Tonight I went to my uncle's house for dinner. It was a lot of fun, and we watched Australia, which was surprisingly good. I wasn't expecting it to be that great. He made great chicken on a spit, and we brought over a salad. It was nice, and unexpected. He is not the type to just invite company over for no reason. It was really nice, though.

I am hyper-aware of whether or not my documents are saved, now.

The classes I'm redoing (not because I got Fs!): Algebra 1/2, Geometry 1/2, Spanish 1/2, Health 1.

My Digitools grade from last semester is still an A- even though I got an A. I still have to see the teacher / my counselor about that.

I'm still riding on the good feelings of my good friend Erick's comment on my poem. I wasn't expecting it to be anywhere near decent. I still have a lot of work, though.

And the Junior Olympics are looking bleak. My parents want me to wait. They don't understand the importance of this being my last (and first :P) year in the 16s bracket. *sigh*

That's all I've got.

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