Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Party, A Poem

So it turns out that I'm having the party of the all time, and you're all invited. Check it out.

I'm really happy with this one. I think I got the tone that I was trying to convey across to the reader fairly well, considering I am really a novice to writing. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Free Money, Star Trek

Something awesome happened to me today. After slaving away at our yard for about three and a half hours total for $25, I was (forcedly) cleaning my room, and, as a result, the massive pile of a combination of junk that I want to keep and general garbage that slowly accumulates underneath my bed. I found my old wallet, which has been missing for several weeks, and, with it, about $50. Now, I know what you are thinking: "Jeez, Dutty, didn't you think to check underneath your bed when you initially lost the wallet?". The answer is, yes, yes I did. Not only did I just check underneath the bed, but I thoroughly checked underneath the bed several times. I have absolutely no idea how I could have missed it. Oh, wait, that's right: it was underneath the massive pile of garbage that I cleaned out.

I also just got back from the new Star Trek movie. It was very good, and matched up very nicely with the Star Trek series. as far as I could tell. Besides, even if it didn't, that could be explained by pointing out that, because of the time travel, it could all be an alternate timeline anyway. I was expecting it to be okay, but was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I used to watch Star Trek all of the time before school on TV Land. I believe I still have some DVDs laying around from my days of watching it a lot. The movie had some very funny moments, as well. I'd recommend watching it if anyone really cares to read this.

It was a pleasure seeing Nimoy portray old-Spock. :)

Friday, May 15, 2009


Yes, updates. On "5,280 Feet" and "Teacher-Chosen Groups Suck", to be exact. We'll start with the latter.

The Spanish presentation that I was whining about went pretty well, as far as I am concerned. I spoke my lines clearly, with proper enunciation, and I am confident that my script was pretty good. I can't say the same thing for the rest of my group, though. They all mumbled their lines, mispronounced the words, and generally screwed up their grades. I did all of the work, yes, but at least I will get a good grade for it.

Now, onto the mile. Today, we ran the mile again. The goal that I was hoping to meet by June I met a little earlier than expected. Today in PE, I got a 9:54, just under my goal of 10:00. Ridiculously slow, I know, but it still feels good to set a goal and make it. And at least I wasn't the last one to finish.

I can't really think of anything else to post, although I'm sure there is something that I am forgetting.


With my first paycheck (the week after school gets out), I plan on buying: ice cream (I have a bit of an obsession with Cold Stone, it's just so dang expensive), a nice webcam (I am going to start vlogging, hopefully in the style of Dan Brown), and then put the rest in savings unless if I can come up with something.

We are reading Romeo and Juliet in English. It's okay. I've read enough excerpts of it over the years that I have practically read the whole play.

I still have to see my counselor about a grade last semester that is on my transcript as an A- even though I got an A, and about (re)taking a math course or two this summer, preferably as contract school.

Listen to this.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teacher-Chosen Groups Suck

Yeah. What the title said. I'm freaking pissed off right now, as my final in my Spanish class, our final is a group project. It's all good, though, right? I'll just choose my intelligent friends to be in my group, right? That's not quite the case.

The teacher, who I normally have no problem with (she's a great teacher, and I have learned a lot in the few months I have taken Spanish) decided that she would assign us to groups. Now, normally this would not be a very big deal to me, but this particular assignment counts not only as a chapter exam, but also as part of our final.

Naturally, I want to do as well as I can on my final. However, if I split up the work evenly in my group, it's just not going to cut it. I don't want a C on something that is 10% of my grade.

So here I am, doing all of the work.

By choice. Meh.


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Updates on Small Things, and Poetry

Some updates: During the last few weeks, I feel like I have found out who my real friends are, and I am extremely glad. I have rooted out the "weeds", of which there were only a few, and had some conversations which proved to me what I knew in the pit of my stomach-- some people that I want(ed) to be friends with are really just too big of idiots. I'm not making a fiasco out of it or anything, but I am definitely changing things. I still have one conversation to have to tonight before I am done with my weeding process.

Junior Olympics: I might be going to the JOs. My coach will be sending me and email with fundraiser information soon. We'll really have to wait and see.

I wrote another poem (2 days ago), that I am just now getting around to posting up. Please read the author's comments, as I do not want anyone thinking that my home life if that terrible, or that I am seeing a shrink. I embellished quite a bit, as well as the fact that I enjoy writing from a point of view other than my own (that of a patient with similarities to me, in this case).

Today, I had one of the most elevating and humbling experiences in my life. A person, who will remain unnamed, whose opinion and respect I value extremely so, gave me a backhanded compliment like I have never had before. I now know what it feels like to be on top of the world, and to feel like shit at the same time. Next year I'm getting a 4.0, just so I can be congratulated by said person.

Anyway, this entry turned weird. Back to normal happenings.

We ate at El Toro on Cinco de Mayo, and it was extremely good. I am going to heat up my leftover enchilada right after this entry. I'm glad it was good, as we need a Mexican restaurant to go to (our old favorite, El Jimidor, closed), and we've previously had bad experiences at El Toro, but now we might start going again.

I had my student-led conference last night, and it went surprisingly well. My adviser seemed impressed that I had won second place in the science fair and that I had done several sports and clubs. Senior year is the only time that sudent-led conferences count, though.

I'm helping out the girls at their water polo practices in the morning again (I took a short break-- I couldn't get up early enough). They have about a week until state, so I'll try to make every practice until then so that our varsity girls can do well. They are looking to take second or third place, depending on the bracket they are in (If they are against Curtis before the championship game, they'll get third), and how they do against Gig Harbor (their record against them is 1-1). Go Rams!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

7 Weeks

There are exactly seven weeks of school left. I think I'll make it, but it won't be fun. My plan for a 4.0 is destroyed, though. Next year, I'm getting my shit together. I'll get a 4.0 next year, as I can no longer afford not to if I am going to MIT. I'll get it. I swear.

Tonight I went to my uncle's house for dinner. It was a lot of fun, and we watched Australia, which was surprisingly good. I wasn't expecting it to be that great. He made great chicken on a spit, and we brought over a salad. It was nice, and unexpected. He is not the type to just invite company over for no reason. It was really nice, though.

I am hyper-aware of whether or not my documents are saved, now.

The classes I'm redoing (not because I got Fs!): Algebra 1/2, Geometry 1/2, Spanish 1/2, Health 1.

My Digitools grade from last semester is still an A- even though I got an A. I still have to see the teacher / my counselor about that.

I'm still riding on the good feelings of my good friend Erick's comment on my poem. I wasn't expecting it to be anywhere near decent. I still have a lot of work, though.

And the Junior Olympics are looking bleak. My parents want me to wait. They don't understand the importance of this being my last (and first :P) year in the 16s bracket. *sigh*

That's all I've got.

Ctrl+S, Use It

So, on Thursday I was working on this assignment for English. Several questions to be answered, and I was doing pretty well. I had just over three pages typed, all answering questions for an assignment. At the same time, I was, of course, playing RuneScape. My mother walks in the room. I scramble to close non-homework-related windows.

Do you want to save the changed to Document1?


I thought I was going to cry.

Ctrl+S. Use it.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Loose Leaf Tea

I have a new goal in life. I want to make loose leaf tea, and I want to make it regularly. I have decided that if I am able to do this, I will be the most badass kid you will ever meet.

Seriously, what's cooler than, "Yeah, I'm drinking some tea I just made... no, not Lipton... oolong / Earl Grey... yeah, I just brewed it."? What is cooler?

I've even found a tea shop. Mad Hat, A Tea Company. I was looking at their website, and some reviews, and it seems like a great place. I just need to figure out what kind of tea to buy, and how to properly brew it. I'm going to some of my friends for this.

I can't freaking wait.

Also, I want this blog to be active again, so expect a lot more tiny entries, like the last one and this one. I decided that I would rather have insignificant entries than no entries.

"Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" was surprisingly good.

Of Poetry

I have always loved poetry, especially reading it.

I have never wanted to write it like I did earlier today, though. I know my writing is bad, but it's coming from the heart, so it's okay... right? :P

So, here's a link to the first poem I've posted online (not the first I've written, by any means).

I believe there is a poem by Erick with similar wording of the "Shit" part. So thanks to Erick for inspiration, to A) write poetry, and B) I used similar wording to him.

Enjoy. Expect more, maybe.