Sunday, January 18, 2009

Have you ever received a bill with a stamp on it, something about tracking it, or a url? Well, that's what this post is about-- free advertising for, a website that lets you enter serial codes from your money, and track it as it moves around the country. When your measly one dollar is found in a bar in Boston, or when you find an already stamped bill to find out that traveled all of the way from Tennessee, you'll be pretty impressed. I have used this website for years, and many of my bills have been found. Just don't write "track this bill at" on your bills. Don't do it. It's illegal. It's also how the bills are found. DON'T do it, cough cough.

There's also a version for Europe and Canada I believe. Info will be at the website.

I don't talk about how much I like a website very often, but if you have patience, this site can provide you with a lot of entertainment in years to come.

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