Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Ah, do you smell it? I do. It's that new year smell-- fresh off the lot! I hope that this will be a good one :).

Anyway, on to the point of this post: my new year's resolutions! I'm keeping it fairly simple this year. I'm sticking to three major ones: wight loss, grades, and water polo.

There's no getting around it-- I'm overweight. However, something I am very proud of is that I have already lost 15 pounds this school year. Around December, though, I lost my focus on weight loss, but I want to change that in 2009. I'm not aiming for a specific weight, in my opinion that's just discouraging and kind of stupid. I'm just going to lose weight until I feel comfortable where I'm at. I think that will probably be another 20 or 30 pounds, but I can't really be sure. I'm not looking to be thin, I just want to be not fat. I really don't have much of a game plan other than to exercise and eat healthier and less. After all, that is how I lost 15 pounds earlier this school year. Wish me luck, as this is the most important of my resolutions! :)

My second resolution is to improve my grades-- drastically! I won't say just how bad I did this semester, but I screwed up bad. Really bad. I could blame it on many things, but I think it all comes down to being unprepared. The change from Truman to Wilson was... astounding. I went from getting A's by doing two or three homework assignments a week, to getting B's and C's with three or four assignments a night. I'm going to start doing better, though, I promise. In fact, I'm challenging myself to get a four point next semester. I know this might not happen with teachers like Van Ry and Rehberg (my tough English and Science teachers), but hey, if I aim high, I'll land just a little lower. Or who knows, maybe I'll get that four point. My tally of classes that I have to retake because a screwed up so badly includes: Algebra 1/2, Geometry, and Spanish 1. Maybe Health, I'm not sure about that one. It's not that I failed those classes, it's that I didn't get an A when I could have. After all, every A counts when I'm trying to get into MIT, right?

My third major resolution isn't really all that complicated-- I just want to continue playing water polo, make varsity, and go to state. This is the first sport that I have ever felt passionately about, partly because I'm actually good at it, and partly because I find it much more fun and challenging than running around bases :P! I can't even explain how much I love this sport... it has made me hate swim team because I can't play polo in the pool any more! I'm going to do Spring and Summer seasons with Puget Sound Polo, and I think that by then I'll be good enough to make varsity. I am not planning on being first string until 2010 (we've got some good sets who won't be gone until the 2010 school season), but nonetheless, going to state with our varsity would be awesome. I will also be doing track and field (specifically, field) to help stay in shape, and lose wight (see resolution #1).

Well, that concludes my worthwhile resolutions. Some smaller ones off of the top of my head are: stupid stuff related to video games (RuneScape, hehe), start to save for my 2012 summer trip to Europe, work for my uncle and take driver's ed this summer, get a job and a license in October, learn to play the awesome guitar I got for Christmas, and to maintain this blog. I may invest in a webcam for vlogs. I may also start writing poetry and doing artwork again. The last two are iffy, so I can't really resolve to do them.

That's all I've got for you right now, but you can expect more entries with the new five minute logout timer. Enjoy your 2009 :)!

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