Friday, May 15, 2009


Yes, updates. On "5,280 Feet" and "Teacher-Chosen Groups Suck", to be exact. We'll start with the latter.

The Spanish presentation that I was whining about went pretty well, as far as I am concerned. I spoke my lines clearly, with proper enunciation, and I am confident that my script was pretty good. I can't say the same thing for the rest of my group, though. They all mumbled their lines, mispronounced the words, and generally screwed up their grades. I did all of the work, yes, but at least I will get a good grade for it.

Now, onto the mile. Today, we ran the mile again. The goal that I was hoping to meet by June I met a little earlier than expected. Today in PE, I got a 9:54, just under my goal of 10:00. Ridiculously slow, I know, but it still feels good to set a goal and make it. And at least I wasn't the last one to finish.

I can't really think of anything else to post, although I'm sure there is something that I am forgetting.


With my first paycheck (the week after school gets out), I plan on buying: ice cream (I have a bit of an obsession with Cold Stone, it's just so dang expensive), a nice webcam (I am going to start vlogging, hopefully in the style of Dan Brown), and then put the rest in savings unless if I can come up with something.

We are reading Romeo and Juliet in English. It's okay. I've read enough excerpts of it over the years that I have practically read the whole play.

I still have to see my counselor about a grade last semester that is on my transcript as an A- even though I got an A, and about (re)taking a math course or two this summer, preferably as contract school.

Listen to this.

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